Click on any of the pictures to enlarge them to their original size. Photoalbum.cgi page generator script v2-4-07 (c) 2007 by David Porter.
David C. Enge
David Christopher Enge was with us for 49 years and in that time he touched many of our lives. He taught us how to fish. He inspired us with his art. He showed us what dedication does to a garden. He was easy to love and loved us in return. It was an honor to be part of your journey, DaveChapters:
Dave's childhood and young adulthood
Dave's family album
Dave and his friends
As we know, Dave loved to fish
Dave loved gardening and painting pictures of his flowers
Dave fighting cancer, something no one should have to do
This album was taken during his last weeks
Photos from Dave Porter's collection
Pictures taken by Stacey, some at the memorial service
Dave's roses in the front yard of his Dash Pt home.
Dave's roses in the front yard of his Dash Pt home.
Dave's garden at his home at Dash Point [Tacoma]
Dave's side yard [Dash Point]
Dave's side yard [Dash Point]
Flowers on front porch of Dave's Dash Pt. Home.
Another rose flourishing in Dave's care.
Neighbor Jerry's bridge and water wheel.
A king of all he surveys, Dave on the front porch of his Dash Pt home.
Dave's flowering perennials.
Where Dave, the gardner, meets Dave, the artist.