Click on any of the pictures to enlarge them to their original size. Photoalbum.cgi page generator script v2-4-07 (c) 2007 by David Porter.
Natalie Jane Porter
Our daughter's very first pictures (from the hospital)
During Sara's pregnancy
It's a Girl! (ultrasound pictures)
From about 1 to 2 weeks old
About 3 to 4 weeks old
Pictures from 4-6 weeks of age
Age about 8 to 10 weeks.
Pictures taken during her 10th week of life
12-13 weeks of life
Three Months Old!! (plus Thanksgiving)
3 months +/-
Check out the family resemblance
Christmas 2004
Next photoalbum: Four months & up
Back to index of all albums
This picture shows a profile view. Clearly seen are head, spine, ribs.
The doctor said her head is about as big as a tangerine.
Please send an E-mail if you have any comments or corrections, or know something we don't!