Click on any of the pictures to enlarge them to their original size. Photoalbum.cgi page generator script v2-4-07 (c) 2007 by David Porter.
Natalie Jane Porter
Hear Natalie's voice at about 5 months!Chapters:
Back index of all photoalbums
Age 4 to 4-1/2 month collection
Age 5 to 5-1/2 month collection
Age 6 months
Seven months!
Just shy of 8 months
Eight months
Nine months
10 to 10.95 months
11+ months
Onwards to 1+ year collection!
Outdoors with sunhat, mom is in the background.
A lovely picture with Mt. Rainier in the background. It was sunny and warm so we spent a little while outside.
A terrible picture otherwise, but this shot did portray her two new teeth. Her upper gums are looking like there's a couple front teeth heading for daylight.
Cat on the computer desk.
Bathing in the tub with Mom, she is really beginning to like water and splashing & kicking. We think she will make a good swimmer.
Here is Natalie in her Hawaiian dress her grandpa Ben bought while over there.
A fuzzy picture but a nice smile.
More sleeping, there's a lot of that around here. Nothing nicer than cuddling up to our little daughter.
Just a pretty girl, her personality is definitely developing--she's a fun loving little smiler.
Sleeping with Dad on the couch, after everyone's tough day at the office! Please send an E-mail if you have any comments or corrections, or know something we don't!