Click on any of the pictures to enlarge them to their original size. Photoalbum.cgi page generator script v2-4-07 (c) 2007 by David Porter.
Natalie Jane Porter
Hear Natalie's voice at about 5 months!Chapters:
Back index of all photoalbums
Age 4 to 4-1/2 month collection
Age 5 to 5-1/2 month collection
Age 6 months
Seven months!
Just shy of 8 months
Eight months
Nine months
10 to 10.95 months
11+ months
Onwards to 1+ year collection!
Natalie is up on two feet, although needing to be steadied as she is quite wobbly. We think all the practice in the stand-up play chair is helping. You can tell she loves doing this!
Mom & Natalie
Natalie loves more & more to hug and be hugged, here she is in position on Mom.
"The Bug" in Sara's lap. No we don't always wear bathrobes all the time, that just when it occurs to us to take pictures!
Practicing her standing-up moves. Those sure are cute coveralls! Please send an E-mail if you have any comments or corrections, or know something we don't!