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August 2006
A visit to Bellingham, Natalie's birthday, and many others.

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Natalie is 1 year old!
At 13 months...
At 14 months!
A new set at 15-16 months!
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August '06

The doctor says cut down on the pacifiers, but she loves them so much!

Her left canine had a cavity, this blurry picture shows it before they did a root canal. Nat was rather upset during the procedure but recovered quickly.

3/5's of the family...

A visit to the "Browns Point Salmon Bake." Nat was in high spirits that afternoon. It was h-o-t and the salmon dinner was very nice.

Ben and Judy at the BBQ.

Nat was in an extra good mood and did a lot of running. She likes to run downhill in the grass, half out of control.

Click here for a 2.2MB video of another moment like this.

At the pool at Mom & Dad's condo.

Nice day in the pool with Nat's dad, Nat, and "Papa" Sam (so called by Natalie).

We enjoyed the wild life viewing right out the living room window. Natalie was fascinated, Daisy just barked.

A couple of fawns and their mom.

Going for a walk down to "morning beach."

Morning beach has pretty white sand. Natalie accidentally fell in and got all wet but nary a peep was heard.

On the pretty beach.

A family photo, with fairly odd lighting due the camera being fooled by the strong backlight.

Another pretty beach shot.

Sleeping on the way home.

The Wednesday night sailboat races are about over, they end before Labor Day. We really enjoy the races, the fleet often appears right off our beach.

It's Natalie's birthday! August 26, 2006. Here she is inspecting her cake. We had a nice party for her and her baby-group friends among many others.

Here is her birthday cake being eaten, with some help from Bria Pitchford (who's just a month or two older than Nat).

Nat was also working on a roast-beef sandwich.

Happy Birtday, Natalie!

Please send an E-mail if you have any comments or corrections, or know something we don't!