Click on any of the pictures to enlarge them to their original size. Photoalbum.cgi page generator script v2-4-07 (c) 2007 by David Porter.

December 2011
Merry Christmas to all!

Back to previous album (2010)
Back to family picture index
December 2010 thru January 2011
February thru May 2011
Thru mid-Sept 2011
October - November 2011
December 2011 (mainly Christmas)
2012 (Five months worth)
May thru November 2012
2012 thru half of June 2013
2nd half of 2013
Alaska Cruise August 2014
Almost a year's worth of 2014 photos!

An couple unusual sunrises, to start out the month.

#2 of 2.

It's Christmas!

That's Brian and Jeff Smith, Judy, and Natalie.

Ben Smith plus our Poppy dog who is a friend to all.

Brian plus a friend.



Sara "P" and little Poppy getting a nap.

That's Ben and Kevin, Natalie and Jack's cousin.

Back home on Xmas morning, before things got started.




The Leavitt's sent a cool "3-D" toy, here it is showing a copy of Natalie's face although that's a little hard to see in this picture.

The kids loved their Christmas and appreciated all the nice gifts. Thank you to all!.

Please send an E-mail if you have any comments or corrections, or know something we don't!